



本公司承接全國各地整車(chē)零擔運輸業(yè)務(wù)、貨運代理、信息配載,代理全國各地回程貨物運輸業(yè)務(wù),公司具有多年的公路運輸經(jīng)驗,擁有一支車(chē)況良好、司機業(yè)務(wù)嫻熟的營(yíng)運車(chē)隊,日運輸能力2000余噸, 信息配載運量5000噸以上,并擁有一支素質(zhì)較高的裝卸隊伍,保障貨物裝卸過(guò)程中不受損失。


    營(yíng)口萬(wàn)隆物流有限公司,成立于2009年(原營(yíng)口市萬(wàn)隆貨運代理處創(chuàng )建于1997年)注冊資金1000萬(wàn)元,是經(jīng)國家工商行政管理部門(mén)批準注冊的物流企業(yè),現有員工20余人,辦公場(chǎng)所500余平,庫房3000余平,場(chǎng)地2萬(wàn)余平,大、中、小車(chē)輛80余臺,已開(kāi)辟多條運輸專(zhuān)線(xiàn)。


Yingkou Wanlong Logistics Co., Ltd. was established in 2009 (formerly Yingkou City Wanlong Freight Agency was founded in 1997) with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. It is a logistics enterprise approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and has more than 20 employees.  There are more than 500 office buildings, more than 3,000 warehouses, more than 20,000 square meters of space, and more than 80 large, medium and small vehicles. Several transportation lines have been opened.

The company has a logistics department, a security department, an information distribution department, and an integrated service department. After years of experience and development, Wanlong Logistics has developed from a single freight forwarding service to become an influential information in the region.  Modern logistics enterprises integrating integrated services such as stowage, special line transportation, general transportation, container transportation, dangerous goods transportation, third-party logistics, fourth-party logistics, agency insurance, and artificial machinery hoisting.


經(jīng)國家工商行政管理部門(mén)批準注冊的物流企業(yè),現有員工20余人,辦公場(chǎng)所500余平,庫房3000余平, 場(chǎng)地2萬(wàn)余平,大、中、小車(chē)輛80余臺,已開(kāi)辟多條運輸專(zhuān)線(xiàn)。




即墨市| 元朗区| 广汉市| 遂昌县| 循化| 伊宁市| 迁西县| 偏关县| 农安县| 武汉市| 开封县| 抚顺市| 泰州市| 辽阳县| 循化| 基隆市| 枣阳市| 宁武县| 福安市| 申扎县| 太和县| 山东| 杭州市| 通许县| 将乐县| 乡城县| 阿城市| 全南县| 四川省| 金阳县| 郴州市| 沅江市| 桂平市| 南郑县| 塔城市| 永昌县| 惠来县| 西平县| 辉南县| 新宾| 南部县|